Schmidt Technology® erbjuder högteknologiska produkter bl a inom området för flödesmätning av luft och gaser. Företaget står för kontinuitet och kvalitet med lång erfarenhet inom respektive segment. Schmidts produkter återfinns hos användare i mer än 80 länder. Jmex representerar Schmidt på den svenska marknaden sedan länge och tillhandahåller bl a flödesmätare för tryckluft till industriella verksamheter samt flödesmätare för användning i renrum. Schmidt är certifierade enligt ISO 9001:2008.
SCHMIDT® Flow Sensor SS 20.600
Flow rates of gases – an important measurement in industrial processes.
SCHMIDT® LED measured value display MD 10.010 / MD 10.015
The ideal solution for displaying and calculating measured values at the place of use
SCHMIDT® Flow Sensor SS 20.261
Generation of compressed air is a cost-intensive process. It is therefore worthwhile to optimize compressed air networks.
SCHMIDT® Mass Flow Sensor IL 30.005, IL 30.010 MPM, IL 30.015 MPM, IL 30.020 MPM
SCHMIDT® Bluetooth® Module BT 10.010
Sensor values wireless, any time and everywhere
SCHMIDT® Probe Ball Valve
Easy, quick mounting and dismounting of SCHMIDT® flow sensors SS 20.261 and SS 20.600 in pipe systems - without pressure stop.
Lab och renrum
Thermal SCHMIDT® Flow Sensors
SCHMIDT® Flow Sensors are used for air flow monitoring and control (laminar flow), especially for precise compliance with setpoint values. This prevents contamination at reduced air flows and monitors the performance of the filters.
Anläggningsteknik, livsmedelsproduktion, torkning och motortestbänkar
SCHMIDT® Flow Sensor SS 20.225
A small all-rounder – universal and powerful
SCHMIDT® Flow Sensor SS 20.420
Thermal flow sensor for unidirectional or bidirectional measurement of the flow rate of air with simultaneous detection of the flow direction.
SCHMIDT® Flow Sensor SS 20.500
The solution for flow measurement – even for dusty air and gases. High precision and compact!
SCHMIDT® Flow Switch SS 20.200
Thermal Flow Switch for monitoring the flow rate of air and gases. Patented sensor head, largely independent of flow direction and dirt-resistant. Visual indicator of switching and operating status. Increased resistance to media with optional protective coating.
SCHMIDT® Flow Sensor SS 20.260
Under the designation SCHMIDT® Flow Sensor SS 20.260 SCHMIDT® Technology offers a flow sensor, which is characterized by its compact and rugged design. With a measuring range up to 60 m/s and its linear output signal, it is a universal sensor for measuring flow velocity, volume flow or mass flow on atmospheric conditions. The sensor element is well protected against mechanical stress by the impact resistant chamber head. By means of two LEDs the sensor indicates if the supply voltage is sufficient and whether the sensor is operating correctly.
Värme, ventilation och luftkoditionering
SCHMIDT® Flow Sensor HVAC 100
At many applications like ventilation, exhaust and air-conditioning systems, it is necessary to measure flow velocity, mass flow as well as the temperature of the medium to ensure an energy efficient operation of the unit.
The 3 measuring ranges of this sensor (0 … 2.5 m/s, 0 … 10 m/s and 0 … 20 m/s) have been tailored for the HVAC industry but also for other applications.
Easy-to-install: The HVAC 100 with its 360° measuring head does not have to be aligned to the flow direction and can be extended by additional tubes (variable immersion depth). Furthermore this sensor is maintenance-free, robust, long-term stable and easy-to-clean and therefore fulfills the main requirements for an efficient installation process.
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